Walt Disney World Animal Kingdom Set of 13 McDonalds Happy Meal Toys (1998) - ID: may24235

Walt Disney World Animal Kingdom Set of 13 McDonalds Happy Meal Toys (1998) - ID: may24235 Disneyana



Price: $50.00
SKU: may24235

A set of thirteen McDonalds Happy Meal toys promoting the newly opened Animal Kingdom park at Walt Disney World in 1998. This complete set includes a Triceratops, Toucan, Gorilla with a baby, Elephant, Dragon, Iguanodon, Lion, Cheetah, Zebra, Rhino, Crocodile, Ringtail Lemur, and a Tortoise, which was only available at a McDonalds located within a Walmart. The toys are in very good condition still sealed within the original plastic packaging.

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